Melissa Meunier

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Posted by Melissa Meunier on Fri, September 25, 2020

While many organizations have gone to great lengths to set up their employees for remote work success, there is one area that many may not think about – candidate interviews. Believe it or not, hiring is still happening in this chaotic world. Companies must keep the hiring process moving smoothly and provide the best candidate experience, including preparing a candidate to participate in a video interview.

Early this year, we shared six tips for hiring managers to navigate the process of conducting video interviews that support positive candidate experiences. But what can organizations do for the candidates before the interview to help them be prepared?

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Posted by Melissa Meunier on Fri, September 4, 2020

In early August, Engage2Excel participated in the WorldatWork virtual conference, where we teamed up with Spartan – you know those extreme races designed to push you to your limit and beyond? Yes, THAT Spartan! During our session, “Transform Fear into Opportunity,” we spoke with Joe De Sena, founder, and CEO of Spartan. From his ranch in Vermont, he described the 10 Spartan principles (along with a few great stories to help bring the principles to life), and how to use fear to reach our full potential.

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Posted by Melissa Meunier on Wed, August 19, 2020

Providing remote workers with the technology they need to be productive is vital. However, a far greater challenge exists in addressing the emotional needs and interactive routines of employees who work from home.

Our latest Trendicators Best Practices Report, Rethinking Remote Work, explores imperatives for optimizing your company’s bounce-back. Much uncertainty still exists regarding the timing for the release of a successful anti-virus vaccine and the speed with which the economy will recover. Yet, this much is certain: tens of millions of employees will continue to work from home beyond year’s end, and a significant percentage hope to continue working remotely after the crisis subsides.

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Posted by Melissa Meunier on Tue, July 28, 2020

Few in the HR community would disagree that we, as a society, have reached a tipping point concerning issues of discrimination, diversity and inclusion. Public outcry and protest over what many consider to be long-standing and systemic enablers of injustice, racism and inequality have forced all organizations to reassess and reimagine their strategies and programs for Diversity and Inclusion (D&I).

In this month’s special report, Diversity & Inclusion, A Framework for Reassessing Your Company’s Programs, we present research, questions and ideas you can use to stimulate and inform internal discussions. These include:

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