How Will 2021 Be Different?
Posted by Melissa Meunier on Tue, Jan 12, 2021 @ 12:00 PM

E2E_TR_HowWill2021BeDifferent_BlogIf 2020 taught us anything, it is that the institutions and systems we rely on as a society are vulnerable and fragile. The year that may go down as the worst in history delivered a series of previously unfathomable crises that underscored dangerous cracks in our systems for ensuring health, safety, social justice, and effective governance.

The HR profession was on the front lines of responding to the health, safety and economic consequences of the pandemic while also addressing issues of inequality and fairness in the workplace in response to widespread social protests. The impacts of these crises, and the contemplation of their longer-term consequences in the workplace, will ultimately require a reevaluation of organizational responsibility for the psychological and emotional well-being of workers.

At the end of December, Engage2Excel’s Trendicators research division conducted a one-minute pulse survey of 189 executives in roles that included CXOs, HR leaders, recruiting executives, recognition experts and organizational development experts. Their responses, presented in our latest Trendicators Survey Report, How Will 2021 Be Different? provide a snapshot of the toughest challenges they experienced last year and their top priorities for 2021.

With economists predicting further challenges over the next six months, followed by an estimated 4.2% growth in GDP1 for the year, it is clear that the way businesses operate needs to evolve further. The top priorities cited by the survey’s respondents indicate that the year ahead promises to be one of enablement and improvement, with plans to accelerate recovery especially in the second half of the year.

1. December 2020 economic forecast by the U.S. Federal Reserve

Topics: Surveys and Analytics

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