Posted by Melissa Meunier on Fri, May 3, 2019

If you think the success of your company starts with excellent customer experiences, you are in good company. But that’s not quite the whole picture. While it’s true that customers hold the cash and they dole out more of it when you treat them well, it’s also true that behind every positive customer experience is a dedicated employee.

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Posted by Nikki Morrison on Thu, March 28, 2019

If you’ve ever had a young child of your own or have been around nieces or nephews, you’ve probably witnessed the overwhelming panic - and corresponding tantrum - associated with being separated from a favorite belonging. For many kids, it’s something plush like a stuffed animal or soft linen, and it has the superpower of making the most troubling situations seem okay. If you happen to misplace this beloved item, beware. The concept of a security blanket is introduced to us at a young age, but the need for security stays with us as our lives ebb and flow.

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Posted by Nikki Morrison on Thu, March 14, 2019

We’ve all heard the phrase “married to our job.” For many people, the hard truth is that one-third (or more) of our time as adults is spent at work, and at times you may even spend more time with your work family than your nuclear family. There are quite a few similarities between the two types of relationship as well. Employees want a job that provides a sense of meaning and offers them the opportunity to feel accomplished, fulfilled and satisfied. These same desires are commonly expressed in romantic relationships. Likewise, in each of these relationships, we want to wake up each day with some level of excitement and anticipation about the hours ahead.

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Posted by Melissa Meunier on Wed, November 28, 2018

What is Employee Experience and how is it different from Employee Engagement? Many HR professionals and consultants would be hard pressed to answer this question.

As is often the case with new terms in any discipline, analysts and marketers of new technology platforms have been quick to embrace and propagate Employee Experience as the next big thing in HR. This has led some to believe that Employee Experience is related to platforms that help make interactions more positive by providing easier access to, for example, recognition & rewards programs, training and career development opportunities, perks and wellness programs.

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