Top Five Blog Posts of 2020
Posted by Cathleen Urdi on Wed, Dec 23, 2020 @ 03:30 PM

To say 2020 has felt like it has lasted a lifetime is an understatement. The thought of 366 days (thanks Leap Year) is hard to comprehend, but we're almost at the finish line! To help officially close out what felt like the longest year, we wanted to share some of our most popular blog posts from 2020. These articles discuss hot topics including COVID-19, employee recognition, remote working and recruiting. 

See the blogs that made our TOP 5!

  1. Recognizing Your Changing Workforce During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Most, if not all, companies changed their workforce to remote environments when COVID-19 first hit. Along with that came new challenges for both employees and organizations, such as giving recognition. To help organizations navigate through the pandemic, we created a list of 10 tips that companies could use to recognize their continuously changing workforce.
  2. The Impact of a Compliment - Complimenting someone else is not as easy as it seems. People have genuine anxiety about their abilities to give meaningful and effective compliments, translating into their ability to provide significant recognition. But what if there was science to support the impact a compliment (or recognition) has on the receiver? This post delves into the positive effects a compliment can have.
  3. Recognizing Employees in the Workplace vs. Remotely - When it comes to recognition for employees in the workplace vs. remotely, is there a difference? With many more people working from home than ever before, understanding there is a difference is critical to employee and organization success. Read how recognition, regardless of where an employee is located, is important. 
  4. How Can You Optimize Recovery Through a Smart Talent-Acquisition Strategy? - Taking smart talent acquisition steps will optimize your corporate post-COVID recovery. Maximize the role that talent acquisition plays in optimizing business results, engaging new and reengaging existing employees during your organization's recovery period.
  5. What to Expect When Managing Your Work from Home Team - We've been getting asked for advice and ideas around work from home scenarios that employers and employees face due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Roy Saunderson, chief learning officer at Engage2Excel Group, rounded up some suggestions on what you can do to ensure your employees are productive and connected during this time.

As we look forward to the future and to what 2021 may bring, we know that the topics mentioned in our top 5 blog posts will remain relevant into the new year. However, we'd love to know what other topics you would like us to discuss this year. Please let us know by emailing us at

Topics: Employee Experience