Much has been written in recent years about the need to improve Employee Experiences (EX). Many of the solutions offered under this umbrella include technologies that enable self-service, greater convenience and more personalized experiences at work. Programmatically, EX initiatives typically focus on making improvements in technical, cultural and physical environments within the workplace.
Our latest best practices report, The Career Experience Continuum, explores employee experiences from a different vantage point—the perspective of individual employees and what they really want from the work environment over the course of their tenure with an employer. When these needs are not sufficiently met, motivation and productivity decline and employees seek career opportunities elsewhere. The average person changes jobs 10 to 15 times during their career.1 Every year companies lose 25% of all new employees.2 77% of that turnover could be prevented.3
Career experiences matter to individuals across all industries and age groups. When we asked 1,500 job seekers about the importance of having a career, more than 80% of all age groups from 18 to 54 and 70% of those 55 and older said that it was either important or very important.
The Career Experience Continuum presents a proven framework for improving loyalty and motivation by focusing on key influence points in the employee lifecycle. Based on data from our national surveys and more than three decades of research, this eBook offers practical ideas on how and where to focus limited resources in the employee lifecycle to better attract, motivate and retain employees, from pre-hire to retirement.
Enjoy the read!
SOURCES: 1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; 2. Work Institute 2018 Retention Report; 3. Survey by Kronos and Future Workplace