Although the COVID-19 pandemic created a crisis for all organizations to navigate, nowhere was this more apparent than in healthcare. Frontline healthcare workers were asked to perform heroic acts of selflessness to protect and save the lives of others. Often, they needed to do this without the necessary supplies and equipment to protect themselves.
Read MoreRecognition, in its simplest form, is acknowledging or rewarding someone for their efforts and achievements. Over the past decade, how employers and employees’ approach and value recognition has significantly changed, driven by cultural shifts, technological advancements, and evolving workplace dynamics.
Read MoreRecognition programs are significant, visible investments for any organization. It is critical that these programs launch successfully and achieve a prominent level of utilization quickly. Our work with many clients over many years offers valuable lessons about what can be done before and after a program launch to maximize its success.
Read MoreWhy employee recognition matters and how to effectively deliver it.
In my two previous columns (Creating a Great Employee Experience and Why RESPECT Matters), I introduced the RESPECT taxonomy of what employees most want from their employer and shared research revealing the customer loyalty and financial gains to organizations for delivering RESPECT (Recognition, Exciting Work, Security, Pay, Education and Career Growth, Conditions, and Truth).
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