The Power of Pre-Hire & Early Recognition
Posted by Justine Peters on Thu, Jul 18, 2024 @ 02:00 PM


In today’s competitive job market, companies continually search for innovative ways to attract and retain top talent. In a webinar we conducted in partnership with Recognition Professionals International (RPI), one highly effective strategy is the power of recognition. By recognizing and valuing potential employees before they join the team, organizations significantly enhance their recruitment efforts, improve employee engagement and foster long-term loyalty.

Pre-Hire Recognition 

Pre-hire recognition allows potential employers to acknowledge and appreciate candidates during the recruitment process. Personalized communication, thoughtful gestures and small tokens of appreciation demonstrate the company’s genuine interest and commitment to the candidate. By utilizing pre-hire recognition, employers aim to create a memorable candidate experience that sets a positive and appreciative tone for future interactions. The benefits of pre-hire recognition are many:

Differentiates the Employer Brand: In a crowded job market, standing out is crucial. Pre-hire recognition helps to differentiate employers from their competition by showcasing a culture of appreciation and respect. Organizations that value and acknowledge candidates’ efforts from the outset are more likely to attract potential employees.

Enhances Candidate Experience: A positive candidate experience may significantly influence a candidate’s decision to accept a job offer. Recognition during the hiring process demonstrates the company’s interest and value of its employees, creating a favorable impression that may tip the scales in the employer’s favor.

Builds Early Loyalty: When candidates feel appreciated before they start working, they develop a sense of loyalty and commitment to the organization. This early bond can lead to increased engagement and reduced turnover rates, as employees are more likely to stay with a company that recognizes their value from the beginning.

To effectively implement pre-hire recognition, companies can adopt several strategies. Personalized communication like emails or text messages, expressing gratitude for interest in the company and acknowledges unique qualifications, can make candidates feel valued and respected. Highlighting and including specific aspects of an application allows the employer to further a potential employee's sense of individuality and worth. Small gestures such as sending a handwritten thank you note, or a branded company gift can leave a lasting impression. These actions show that the company goes the extra mile to appreciate its future employees.

Lastly, we recommend candidate experience surveys. Soliciting feedback from candidates about their experience during the recruitment process demonstrates that the company values their opinions and commits to continuous improvement.  Directly implementing the candidate’s views and advice further enhances the candidate’s experience.

Early Recognition

Early recognition refers to acknowledging and rewarding new employees shortly after they join the organization. This can include recognizing their contributions during the onboarding process, celebrating milestones (like their first week or month), or expressing appreciation for their efforts. Early recognition helps integrate new hires into the company culture and sets a positive tone for their tenure.

Organizations that adopt recognition early in the employee experience can see several positives. Recognizing new employees early boosts morale and engagement. It reinforces their decision to join the company and motivates them to contribute from the start. Early recognition encourages the integration of new hires into the team. When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to form positive relationships with their colleagues and adapt to the company culture quickly. And most importantly, employees who feel valued are more likely to stay. Early recognition significantly reduces turnover rates by fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty among new hires.

To make early recognition impactful, organizations can consider the following approaches:

Onboarding Celebrations: Celebrate the completion of the onboarding process with a small event or recognition ceremony. This can include presenting a welcome kit, introducing the new hire to the team and acknowledging their successful transition into the organization.

Frequent Check-Ins: Regular check-ins during the initial months can help new employees feel supported and valued. Managers should utilize these opportunities to provide feedback, recognize achievements and address concerns.

Peer Recognition Programs: Encourage team members to recognize and appreciate new colleagues. Peer recognition programs help create a supportive and inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued.

The power of pre-hire and early recognition cannot be underestimated. By valuing candidates and new hires from the outset, companies create a positive and engaging experience that attracts top talent, boosts employee morale and fosters long-term loyalty. Implementing these strategies gives organizations a competitive edge in the talent market and contributes to a thriving workplace culture. 

Topics: Recognition

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