The tightest market for talent in five decades has resulted in a cavalcade of content from thought leaders, analysts and vendors, most of it focused on fixing what’s broken in current recruitment processes. Improving the candidate experience is a hot topic, because it’s a buyer’s market.
What do candidates really want? Recruitment marketing, which represents the largest portion of most talent acquisition budgets, is getting a lot of attention, and the prevailing best practices have their origins in consumer marketing. However, whereas consumer marketing is grounded in research on attitudes, behaviors and preferences (what consumers really want), there is a surprising lack of research on what candidates really want.
The 2019 Job Seeker Survey Report is a three-part series that examines what candidates really want. Part 1 explores the role of recognition in the candidate experience. Why is recognition important?
Our survey report provides answers to the following questions:
- Why do candidates accept or reject job offers?
- Why do people seek employment elsewhere?
- Why is it important to promote recognition and rewards programs?
- How important is being recognized or praised during the hiring process?
- How important is hearing from a new employer before the first day?
This survey report is the result of research and analysis conducted by Engage2Excel’s chief
scientific officer, Jack Wiley, Ph.D. As the results of this survey show, recognition is also one of the most important variables that influence candidates’ perceptions throughout the hiring process.
Stay tuned: In Part 2 of the 2019 Job Seeker Survey Report, we examine candidate perceptions of recruiting. In Part 3 we explore the importance of pre-boarding and onboarding.
Enjoy the read!