Melissa Meunier

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5 Elements To Sustaining Employee Engagement

Posted by Melissa Meunier on Fri, October 10, 2014

Today, employee engagement is one of the key factors in the success of an organization and in maintaining its competitive edge.  With the rapidly changing workforce demographic, organizations are seeing a reduction in the employee’s joining a company and staying on until retirement.

So, how can organizations sustain engagement? Well, there is no single answer. However, employers should make it possible for their people to do their best work.  It requires an ongoing, planned effort with the right strategies. Building an environment where good work is praised, great work is rewarded, and poor performance is promptly addressed increases employee engagement.

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The High Stakes Battle For Talent

Posted by Melissa Meunier on Mon, October 6, 2014

Organizations are seeing this more frequently; an employee is hired, trained, and just when they are contributing solidly to the team, FLASH, they’re gone! The employee has moved on and once again there is an unfilled position.

The ability to successfully entice, acquire and retain talent has become a high stakes battle as organizations place new attention on retaining employees.

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4 Steps To Creating A SMART Goal

Posted by Melissa Meunier on Fri, October 3, 2014
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Make Your Employee Onboarding An Engaging Success

Posted by Melissa Meunier on Mon, September 15, 2014

When a new employee starts their first day chances are they go through some type of orientation. The employee is bombarded with paperwork, documents about benefits and given a tour of the building and where the bathrooms are located. After a few days that employee is on their own and probably wondering if they made the right decision.

Companies may think that type of orientation program will set their new employee up for success. Unfortunately, they couldn’t be further from the truth. A deeper bond needs to be made with the employee and employer before the first day. Filling out paperwork and learning about your benefits is necessary; however, it should play a back seat to engagement, which can mean the difference between a long-term employee and one who leaves.

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